ZemPosts ZemPosts

Zaid's first Zempost

1 min read

Zaid is a dedicated student pursuing a diploma in computer engineering. He has a passion for creating websites and has honed his skills in various web technologies. Beyond academics, Zaid excels as a A1 Zonal Level volleyball player, representing his college in numerous matches at both zonal and intercollege levels. His team has achieved remarkable success, winning multiple matches and earning recognition. Zaid’s talent has brought him into the spotlight, with opportunities to play at the state level, proudly representing his college.

Founder the Impic Community

Zaid is also one of the visionary founders of the Impic Community, alongside Divyanshu. This Discord community aims to create a centralized hub for like-minded individuals such as programmers, gamers, hackers, content creators, video editors, and more. The goal is to foster collaboration, support, and creativity among its members. Join the Impic Community on Discord now and be part of something great!

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